My name is Tahirah and I do not fit the general stereotype of being a Muslim let alone a girl. I am 18 years old and have an unusual hobby that is not normally associated with most people who look like me. I lift!!! I heavy weightlift 5 times a week and it has changed many perceptions about what a young girl can do and especially that my hijab does not put any restrain on what I can achieve. Many people are shocked when they see me in the gym lifting with the 'giants' and I firmly believe that I have earned my place along side the legends. One of the biggest fears I had when I started lifting a few years ago was the reaction I would get from my family. But surprisingly my family are very supportive

and some of the most rewarding things about lifting is inspiring others to take up more sports as there is a new wave of super girly girls who lift, breaking my own boundaries and expectations of myself as you learn discipline aswell as challenging what should be expected of me.
" I want to be a voice for the voiceless and share knowledge of the obstacles that others face in their lives.
I have volunteered as a youth tutor and as part of the award-winning Young Migrant and Welsh Group I have volunteered to explore issues of identity and belonging. My social action has greatly grown my confidence to stand up for what I believe in"
I am proud to say that I am part of this new movement of female empowerment and changing the harsh stereotype of being a female Muslim. Hopefully showing that you can wear makeup and lift the same amount some of the guys will inspire even more people to get involved.