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Let's play the name game

Where did the name Renegades Foundation come from? It has been one whole year since the Renegades Foundation launched. 365 days. 525600 minutes. A whole lot has happened in the past year so it’s time to go back to where it all started.

Renegade: 1. a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
2. a person who behaves in a rebelliously unconventional manner

I took these definitions and made them into something positive, turned them around. This foundation is all for people turning their lives around, breaking away from toxic environments and people. People who have the guts to do what they need to do, take a risk and run with it. This foundation encouraged people to stand out, rebel against unjust situations. Being a Renegade is a great thing, it takes courage and perhaps an ounce of recklessness, but when it pays off there is no better feeling.

There is nothing more courageous than being yourself in a world that is trying to constantly change you.

So...that's the definition and reasoning for the Renegades Foundation name...but what about the inspiration? Where did this word come from?


To be honest…

it’s …

The name of All Time Low's latest album.

Yes, that's correct. The name is inspired by a band and their album “Last Young Renegade”.

Before founding this foundation, I had a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. Life was full of big, scary changes and I found the one thing that remained consistent was All Time Low. Their music was the soundtrack to all my mistakes, all my achievements, all my meltdowns over work and my adrenaline fueled runs in the park.I played their CD in the car when my mum dropped me off at Uni, when I came home again and through the sleepless nights working on essays. When things felt overwhelming I knew I could calm down if I played them. I conquered so many fears going to their gigs, even after getting my nose broken in one concert I still found my greatest moments were accompanied by their music. They made me feel brave, they gave me the guts to believe in myself. Music is powerful and there is no shame in admitting how it has helped and shaped you. This band that was always there for me inspired me to be there for someone else. To pass on the message. To keep the good times flowing. January is a rubbish month, a grey month. One morning I was sat in my Pyjamas, headphones in and All Time Low playing. Then it hit me. I knew how to help others, I knew how to put my skills to use, how my experiences could inspire others. I found the guts to say anything. And you know what? It worked. So many people have found courage through this foundation, found the guts to share their story and ask for help when they needed it. I never expected such a positive response. I never thought I could make people feel better just by writing down my thoughts. So now you know. This foundation is brought to you by a rebellious band that ends every show with canons of confetti and a girl with too many racing thoughts. Happy 1st Birthday Renegades Foundation, may you continue to turn satellites into stars. Recommended All Time Low tracks Missing you - when you feel like giving up Reckless and the brave - when you needs some courage Good Times - when you feel nostalgic



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