Our first fundraiser We all need a pick me up from time to time. A reason to smile, a reminder that the world has not collapsed around us. I love to write. I love to compliment everyone at least once a day to see the way they smile. Combine these two things and Chin Up cards were born.
Chin Up cards are a unique fundraiser in partnership with Young Minds, a charity leading the fight for better mental health support.
These cards are homemade and have the sole aim of cheering you up.
How to get one
It’s simple.
Make a donation to Young Minds through the JustGiving site provided and you will receive your very own selection of Chin Up cards accompanied by your very own message of love - a personalised letter designed to lift your spirits and turn any bad day into a good one. You can donate however much you like, every penny helps the fight.
You can do this more than once. Anytime you need a boost, a reason to smile, whether it's once, twice or 100 times.
I will always be leaving some Chin Up cards in public places such as coffee shops, between the pages of a book or on a train seat.
How you can help
Share this article! Share the fundraising page! Share pictures of your cards with the tag #ChinUpCards and tag Young Minds.
Donate stamps to the Chin Up card movement.
If you have spare time, get involved and help write your own letter of love to someone - I would really appreciate it!
Chin Up cards is just a way to cheer you up, remind you of the good and help you feel that extra bit special. The cards are durable, keep them in your purse or wallet so you can read at your desire.
Finches Fund is the place all the Renegades Foundation fundraisers will be kept. It is named after a boy called Finch whose story you can find in the brilliant book “All the bright places” by Jennifer Niven. He sought bright places and did all he could to improve the lives of those he loved - it’s about time we do the same.
What now?
Wait and see when the fundraiser goes live, make you donation and receive your Chin Up card, letter of love and a HUGE thank you in the post.
Some of you who live far away may receive yours electronically, but I'll do my best!🥰
Let’s make a change and help fight for better mental health support.